The “Galt-Stadler” Plan

Atlas Shrugged – Day 100 – pp. 1120-1129

“The elevator stopped on the mezzanine floor.”

The group was surrounded by soldiers as they approached the door of the WF ballroom.

Chick Morrison opened the door.

“…the sudden contrast o flight and sound made it seem as if the door were flung open by an explosion: the light came from three hundred bulbs in the blazing chandeliers of the grand ballroom of the W-F Hotel; the sound was the applause of five hundred people.”

Uh oh. They’ve got an event planned for John Galt.

“The applause you are hearing,” a radio announcer was yelling … “is in greeting to John Galt…”

And they’re on the air.

“I must remember where I am — thought Dagny.”

Oh Christ. Get a grip already. The emotional bounds this woman is pushing – the dedication to JG is a little ridiculous. She just sent one of her best friends off to be killed in the SF riots. I’m getting a little tired of her melodrama.  No — I’m getting real tired of it.

The cameras are panning around and the luminaries are being announced – with one exception. Missing was Dr. Robert Stadler.

The applause went on.

“These people — she thought — knew, not by means of their reason, but by means of their panic, that this banquet was the ultimate climax and the naked essence of their world.”

So what’s the deal?

“…the announcer cried into the microphone … ‘we are bringing you the inauguration of the John Galt plan.”

If you can’t beat him… make it seem like you did.

“The John Galt Plan for Peace, Prosperity and Profit!” cried the announcer… “The dawn of a new age! The product of a harmonious collaboration between the humanitarian spirit of our leaders and the scientific genius of John Galt!”

Jeez.  Sounds like a time share presentation. What’s next Don Pardo?

Dagny realizes what they’re doing. (Maybe.)

“…they were trying to tempt him with that which was their dream of life’s highest fulfillment” this spread of mindless adulation, the unreality of this enormous pretense — approval without standards, tribute without content, honor without causes, admiration without reasons, love without a code of values.”

Or they’re just using him as a front to cover up their own future plans.

During the festivities, Thompson leans toward Galt and tells him he’ll have to make a very brief speech. Just a few words to prove it’s him.

Meantime, Wesley Mouch is outlining the plan. This is good. Sounds like Obama-nomics.

“The John Galt plan will reconcile all conflicts. It will protect the property of the rich and give a greater share to the poor. It will cut down the burden of your taxes and provide you with more government benefits. It will lower prices and raise wages. It will give more freedom to the individual and strengthen the bonds of collective obligations. It will combine the efficiency of free enterprise with the generosity of a planned economy.”

And amazingly, some people bought that in 2008.

Mr. Thompson steps to the mic.

“And I say to you: kick them in the teeth, all those doubters… Tomorrow is here today! With three meals a day for everyone on earth, with a car in every garage, and with electric power given free, produced by some sort of a motor the like of which we’ve never seen!”

This has become charicature-ish.

Anyway, Galt’s turn. He steps to the mic and says…

“Get the hell out of my way!”

Awesome speech.

Chapter IX!!! The Generator.

Dr Stadler heard it on the radio in his car. Then the radio went dead. When will these looters learn you can’t undo a speech by pulling the plug.

So where’s he off to?

“There was nothing beyond the lighted strip but emptiness of the prairies of Iowa.”

Iowa?!?! What the hell’s he doing going to Iowa???

When told he needed to see JG he protested…

“He had cried to them that he could not deal with John Galt and neither could they, that Galt would destroy them all unless they destroyed him first…”

This confused his persuaders who leaned more heavily…

“…we might have to resort to pressure — such as hostages whom he wouldn’t want to see hurt — and you’re first on the list Professor.”

Ah. So they’re threatening him. This would be the act of running scared. But Iowa?

“All the images had begun to fuse in his mind thereafter — Project X…”

YES!!! Finally, we’re gonna get some serious action. What’s the plan?

“He would seize control of Project X and he would rule a part of the country as his private feudal domain.”

Awesome! Dr S is off the deep end. A crazy man going after the ultimate weapon. Rand is not disappointing me.

Uh oh. As he approached the place where Project X was located, he sees something’s amiss…

“…something out of the ordinary was going on at Project X. The barbed wire fence was broken, and no sentinels met him at the gate.”

He drives in and is met with some resistance from a sloppy-looking military type.

“Let me in you idiot! I’m Dr. Robert Stadler.”

Good thing any display of force is still working.

He demands to see the scientists or engineers in charge. Ain’t none. He is bounced from officer to officer continually declaring “I’m Dr. Robert Stadler!”

“Are you one of those who made a deal with the Boss?”

I”m the boss her, from now on.”

Finally someone recognizes his name.

“Will you please follow me, sir?”

“What happened next was not clear to Dr. Stadler, because his mind reused to admit the realty of the things he was seeing… It took him a long time to grasp — when his mind could not block it any longer…”

Ohhhhhhh. Can’t wait for tomorrow!