Obeying expectations… pt. 2

Atlas Shrugged – Day 062 – pp. 679-688 (doubling up to get back on track. . . so to speak)

As they’re walking, Dagny has a bit of a crisis about Nat Taggart. Apparently his memory is sullied in history as having made his fortune by exploiting others. By keeping them down.

Owen tells her he was actually a liberator. People these days just don’t understand.

True, you can’t build an empire on a foundation of morons.

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Obeying the expectation of obedience

Atlas Shrugged – Day 061 – pp. 669-678

Anyway, the tramp is going on about the utter social decay the Starnes kids’ experiment of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” created.

It’s a long section, as much of Rand’s stuff tends to get, but it’s an excellent depiction of exactly how the “welfare-mind” destroys productivity.

Anyhow, business continues to decline. As people are no longer paid according to value, the quality of the value they produced – motors – declined precipitously. Selling defective motors ain’t a good business plan.

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Road trip

Atlas Shrugged – Day 028 – pp. 274-283

“Owen Kellogg.”

It’s the kid with all the promise Dagny wanted to make manager of the midwest region. The one who quit and dropped off the face of the earth so mysteriously. Doing transient labor now?

“Listen Kellogg, what do you think is going to happen to the world?”

“You wouldn’t care to know.”

Continue reading “Road trip”

Hank Rearden – part 1

Atlas Shrugged – Day 003 – pp. 23-32

Anyway, Dagny closes the deal on Jim who accepts the decision with a running theme thus far…

“Well” she asked
“Are you taking responsibility for it?”
“I am”

The indisputable force and order she brings to the company is evidenced by how  Rand describes Eddie Willers feelings when she’s around…

Continue reading “Hank Rearden – part 1”