Another broken heart

Atlas Shrugged – Day 059 – pp. 649-658

Hey! Hey! You! What’re you doin’ over there. Get back to work. . .

Oh, man. It’s been like week since I’ve written anything here. Been busy with the business though. Hank and Dagny would both be proud. But now that things are caught up on the work side, time to get caught up a little here too.

Going to try to double up for a few days. Not only to catch up, but because this book is getting really damn good! Now, where was I?

Ah yes, Quentin Daniels, the motor physicist, has turned in his resignation on the motor project. Dagny is pushing her trip to Colorado up a day and leaving now.

Hank has snuck out – and Eddie’s come over to take some final notes for while she’s gone.

Continue reading “Another broken heart”

Bears Beat the ‘Boys (from the fond memories file)

Jeez, it’s been so long they’ve gone from 4-1 to 4-3 dropping their last 2.   I guess I should post this before they slide any further.

Buffalo this weekend should be a win.  But I ain’t counting any chickens.  As of today, the Bears “O” is 0 (that’s zero) for 10 from the 1 yard line!

On the other hand, maybe posting it here now will bring back memories of a day when the Bears actually looked like something. (Maybe it’ll spark a turnaround!)

Anyway, Jerry-world was pretty amazing…

Almost to heaven and back to earth

Atlas Shrugged – Day 057 – pp. 629-638

She’s kicking ass and taking names. They’re going to start traffic back and do whatever they have to to get the new lines built. Get men from wherever. Pay ’em double. Pay ’em triple. If any of those UB bitches get in your face, give the locals authority to bribe them. Keep it off the books of course. If they want to stop us, they’ll have to sue me…

Is that true?

Continue reading “Almost to heaven and back to earth”