The United States of Twentieth Century Motors

Atlas Shrugged – Day 060 – pp. 659-668

So Dagny and the Tramp continue their conversation.

He tells her about his experience most recently at the Hammond Car Company. He waited nearly a year for the job. He got on just as Larry Hammond quit and disappeared. Then the G took over and he was one of the first to get the boot.

Then he tell of a place where he worked for 20 years. Until the owner died and the heirs took over. Could it be? Another visit from the “small world department?”

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The discovery

Atlas Shrugged – Day 029 – pp. 284-293

They’ve stumbled into what happens when industry fails. What happens when the businesses that provide people their livelihood close their doors.

“Through the open door, they could see the interior of her house. There was useless gas stove, its oven stuffed with rage, serving as a chest of drawers. There was a stove built of stones in a corner, with a few logs burning under an old kettle, and long streaks of soot rising up the wall. A white object lay propped against the legs of a table. It was a porcelain washbowl, torn from the wall of some bathroom, filled with wilted cabbages . . . A brood of ragged children had gathered at the door behind the woman, silently, one by one.”

A man comes up carrying water from the local well.

Continue reading “The discovery”

Road trip

Atlas Shrugged – Day 028 – pp. 274-283

“Owen Kellogg.”

It’s the kid with all the promise Dagny wanted to make manager of the midwest region. The one who quit and dropped off the face of the earth so mysteriously. Doing transient labor now?

“Listen Kellogg, what do you think is going to happen to the world?”

“You wouldn’t care to know.”

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